We are proud to work with many local and national partners, from a range of sectors.

We are extremely grateful to our retail partners who help us collect donations, partner churches who host our Foodbanks and Food Pantries, as well as the countless others who support us in any way.

Locally, we work closely with several other organisations, these relationships help us to deliver great service and get the best possible outcomes for the people we support. Through partnership, we are able to reach a common goal faster.

We are always looking for new partners that want to work with us on new or existing projects, if you’d like to find out more contact us on the email below.

the trussel trust


Compassion Acts currently run 6 Foodbanks around Southport, all of which are part of the Trussell Trust’s national network of Foodbanks. What that means is that we follow a standardised model set by the Trussell Trust and they provide resources, learning and support to help us run our Foodbanks and work towards our bigger aims. However, we are responsible for the running of our Foodbanks, and for all other projects under the Compassion Acts umbrella.


Community Money Advice

Our Welfare and Debt Advice service is part of the National Community Money Advice charity. They work in a very similar way to the Trussell Trust, they help our advisors by provide frameworks and guidance as well as regulation to our services. 

Some of our current partners

Partner with us

