Southport Together Wellbeing Kits

Following the recent tragic events that have occurred in Southport, we are reaching out to our community for support and solidarity. We are collecting donations for wellbeing kits that will be distributed to those who have been affected. These kits aim to provide comfort and essential items to help individuals cope during this challenging time. We invite all community members and local businesses to contribute to this effort. See below for some ideas of what we are looking to include in the kits.

Donations can be dropped off at the Victoria Centre, located at 197a Sussex Road. We are open from Monday to Friday, between 10 am and 3 pm. Our team of volunteers will be on hand to assist with the collection and ensure that your donations are properly sorted and distributed. By coming together, we can help our community heal and rebuild.

If you’re unable to donate at the Victoria Centre, you can also drop off your items at any donation bin in Southport displaying the Compassion Acts or Southport Foodbank logo. You can find a full list of donation locations here.

Please Note: By donating at the Victoria Centre, you help us distribute the kits more quickly. Thank you.

We are looking for:

For Children

  • Chocolate or sweets
  • Books or comics
  • Colouring pens
  • Fun bath products

For Adults

  • Premium shower gel
  • Scented candle
  • Small box or large bar of chocolate
  • Mindfulness activity book

Other Ways to Give

  • If you’d like to give financially we have set up a dedicated giving page for our wellbeing kits. You can make a donation here Give as You Live.
  • We have been asked to set up an Amazon Wishlist for those who do not want to visit shops at this time or for anyone who may live further.
  • If you would like to donate financially to the wider Southport community you can do so here Southport Strong Together.