Compassion Acts join Trussell Trust Essentials Guarantee Campaign.

Our community development team gets behind Trussell Trust campaign, to raise awareness in Southport

On 8th September some of the Compassion Acts team rallied down at The Community Hub, Cambridge Walks Southport. They set up for the day and helped to promote the Trussell Trust ‘Guarantee Our Essentials’ campaign.

The campaign is designed to call on UK political party leaders to introduce an ‘essentials guarantee’ within Universal Credit, to ensure that the basic allowance can cover the essentials for everyone – their food and bills.

“In the last financial year, Foodbanks in our network have seen the highest ever level of need, distributing close to 3 million (2,986,203) emergency food parcels – including more than a million to children. This is the most parcel the network has ever distributed in a single year” – Trussell Trust.

On this day Foodbanks nationally worked together to promote the campaign and our team managed to gather around 50 signatures, from passers by. We are aware of the growing demand Foodbanks are facing and stand behind this message 100%.

If you would like to read more or sign the petition, please click the link below.

Guarantee Our Essentials

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