Expansion to meet growing needs

Autumn 2020 : Together we can help everyone through this tough time.

From week commencing 5th October 2020  a new timetable across all parts of our town.

Southport Foodbank
Tuesdays 12-2 St Simon’s, High Park. PR9 7BQ
Tuesdays 1-3 St Peter’s, Birkdale. PR8 4BY
Wednesdays 1-3 SNR Baptist Church, Town Centre, PR8 6PU
Thursdays 1-3 Ainsdale Methodist Church, PR8 3NQ
Thursdays 3.30-5.30 Salvation Army, Shakespeare Street, PR8 5AJ
Fridays, 1-3 Lakeside Church, PR9 0LA
Saturdays, 10-11.30, Family Life Centre, Ash Street, PR8 6JH

•            For people in emergency food crisis. Before you come along get an e-voucher from an agency such as:  Sefton Council, Job Centre, School or health visitors or if you cannot reach an agency, text 07526 897284 and we’ll arrange a personal telephone assessment.
•            Our email for enquiries is  foodbank@compassionacts.uk

Southport Food Pantry
Tuesdays, Grace Centre, Princes Street, PR8 1HU
Thursdays, Bishop David Shepard School, PR9 7BZ
•            A weekly food club for the ‘just about managing’ costs £5 per week.  By referral only.  Want to refer someone? Contact our Adviser team welfareadvice@compassionacts.uk

Advice & Support
Struggling with Debt?   Need help to navigate the Benefit System? Need to chat and receive reassurance?
Text:  07526 897284
You do not need to be a current Foodbank or Food Pantry client to use this service. It is open to anyone.
CAP Debt Centre is also available for people wishing to self refer here.

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